Sleep apnea, a disorder characterized by many brief interruptions in breathing during sleep, can be dangerous. It’s been linked to many adverse health conditions, such as high blood pressure and diabetes. Because of this, it’s important to get sleep apnea treatment ASAP.
Unfortunately, since it happens while you are sleeping, you may not even be aware you have it! There are some signs you may need to get help, however. They include:
- Frequent Loud Snoring – Your loved ones may joke about your snoring. But truth is, it’s not funny when neither you nor they can get a good night’s rest due to the noise. It’s one of the most common signs of apnea. Your snoring may also be accompanied by the gasping for breath that occurs when your airway becomes blocked during the night.
- Morning Dry Mouth/Sore Throat – The blockages in your airway that lead to snoring and gasping also dry out your mouth and throat. If you routinely wake up feeling parched, you may have sleep apnea.
- Daytime Fatigue – Many sleep apnea sufferers wake feeling as if they haven’t gotten any rest. They can also have trouble staying awake during the day and feel fatigued. This is an especially dangerous symptom if it occurs while you are driving or performing similar tasks.
- Irritability – Everyone has days where things don’t seem to go right. If you’re having a lot of those days, it may signal you aren’t sleeping well. A lack of restful sleep can make you more short tempered. Like snoring, this may be a symptom that your loved ones make you aware of.
- Difficulty Concentrating – Many studies have shown the connection between a lack of sleep and decline in the ability to concentrate. If you notice you’re often having trouble with tasks that require complex thought or logic, you may have sleep apnea.
If you have a mild or moderate case of sleep apnea, we can help! Our dentists can fit you for a custom-made oral appliance that you wear while sleeping. It will gently position your jaw in a way that keeps your airway clear so you can breathe easily all night. It fits comfortably in your mouth, similar to an athletic mouthguard.
Many patients prefer it to a CPAP machine, another commonly prescribed method for treating sleep apnea. Unlike a CPAP, there is no face mask or tubing to get in the way. It’s small enough to fit into a purse or pocket, so it’s easy to take along for travel.
Think you may need sleep apnea treatment? Call us today at [phone] for an appointment in Houston.