Revive Your Healthy Smile After Dental Emergencies
If they aren't dealt with in a timely way, dental emergencies can really destroy your day and can even trigger long-lasting damage to your smile. You won't have to worry about either unfavorable outcome if you call Parker Nickolas Read Dental for emergency care. In most cases, we can offer you a same-day appointment. When we see you, you'll discover:
- Restorative dental care like crowns and fillings to fix broken teeth
- Safe dental sedation to keep you untroubled throughout any treatment
- Doctors who have handled countless emergencies
- State-of-the-art technology to quickly detect and treat problems
If you need to see a dentist ASAP, call us today at [phone].
Your Smile Is in Good Hands, Whether or Not It’s an Emergency
You can depend on your dentist whether you need assistance in an emergency or just need general dental care like cleanings and exams to keep your smile in excellent shape. At Parker Nickolas Read Dental, you'll receive top-notch service for:
- General Dentistry – Preventive cleanings and regular exams can keep you from experiencing dental emergencies.
- Cosmetic Dentistry – Transform your smile's appearance with dental veneers, teeth whitening treatments, Invisalign aligners, and more.
- Restorative Dentistry – From minor decay to damaged teeth, you can repair dental damage with crowns, bridges, dentures, root canals, and fillings.
- Dental Implants – When you replace teeth with implants, your smile will look, feel, and function like it did before – or even much better. You can choose instead to replace teeth with dental bridges or dentures.
- Tooth Extraction – Your extractions will be as relaxed as possible, even wisdom teeth extractions.